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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

it been a time or two

whats this thing called belief

we all strive for our own, but in reality we dont have our own. someone before us or after us will have the same. either inspired or driven to something that makes us, we all have something that is our core.

the question is what?

you can say youre individual. you can cay youre new. you can say youre different. but in the back of your mind you know that you take on your mom and dads traits. whoever they are. you take the goal of your hero. whoever they may be. you arent individual. youre just a copy. a xerox of something someone sometime that you believe is yours. but its not yours.

all of us. not matter how lonely. not matter how recluse. no matter how abandoned. have someone in our life who define us. whether it be your immediate family, your friends, the people you work with, your idols, your habits or your loves. this is what makes your experiences, your life different from those people before you who believed the same thing.

there is nothing about you that makes you different from anyone else. it is all about who you choose thats makes you individual. your friends bring both the best out of you and the worst. your enemies bring out the ambition and drive. your family bring out the stability and comfort. your love brings out the happiness and originality. without these things no one is anything, but just another 90 years of eating drinking breathing and sleeping.

its when you endorse these aspects of your life when you become who you want. because alone your nothing.

a lone violinist is nothing with out the symphony. a lone infantry man is nothing with out his platoon. a lone construction worker is nothing without his team. a lone professor is nothing with out his class. a lone preacher is nothing without his congregation.

until theyre with who they need, they are nothing. it is when you realize who you need to help build upon your beliefs is when you become individual.

selfishness is only a bad thing when it begins to block out these people, things, habits or loves that will only add to your life.

everything has a purpose. but its purpose is only defined when you embrace it.

individuality is a myth. a tall tale told to you in elementary school so your imagination doesnt exceed that of your teacher. imagine a society where you learned more about who you need than what you need.

materialism wouldnt be corrupting everything real in this world.

it would be more about the things that last.

like friends, family and love.

not necessarily having more focus on these things. just a general realization that they really, in the end, are important.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

wake up to muddy water.

im in a half way place. in the middle. like im on a tight rope in between two buildings. and forgot which side i started from. and which side i need to end on. ... more so, its like im floating in mid-air like a cartoon who fell off a cliff. im just waiting to fall.

maybe its just general unhappiness. but ive been getting more reckless. like i need something big to happen.

i think to hard about things i cant change. and when i think about those things i lose myself in a swirl of whats-if-whose-its?

there are alot of new feelings i have had in the past month that i am not used to. maybe everything is just muddled. i just need to go wipe my memory and start fresh. i feel bogged.

... i hit my two year mark in the military. yay me. i cant wait to for this to be over. i cant wait for my contract to end. this journey has definitely taught me some things. but it is a choice i think would have been better if i did the opposite.

im really done with people though. like interacting with them. faking emotions to fit in. listening to people talk. thats probably the worst. when some ass is talking to you and your looking him in the eye and dismissing everything he says but nod your head in agreement so he will stop sooner. and if you mimic their body language then they will be more comfortable and talk longer. so you have to do the opposite. like turn you torso away form them. or if they are talking with their hands put your hands in your pocket. or if they are leaning on one leg evenly balance you weight on both legs. angle your feet away from them.

when you do that, small talk usually disappears and the conversation will last only a couple sentences.

what i hate most is having to act like i care when somebody talks directly to me. especially when there is a group of people around. it is like your almost obligated to care because otherwise you will look like as ass.

maybe i am just an ass.

id like it alot better if i could have complete control over what, who, where and when the human contact i have through out the day will happen.

like, so i could prep myself.

"alright, at 10:30 this morning i have to go talk to this girl. she is needy and slightly depressed. avoid eye contact and keep everything quick and concise. that way, she cant explain to you her life story about how her gold fish died and she cried when she flushed him down the toilet. and how that could transform in to how she always seems to have to end everything good and watch it be flushed away by her dramatically dismal life." ... who fucking cares. all i needed to ask you was if there was more toner for the printer.

i could have a daily planner and prepare myself for everything. automated interaction. it would be awesome.

thats what i feel like. a robot. except i havent been programed for anything yet. so i just am. no real purpose.

whateves. this blog is to long.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poe At Tree (dont read the likes)

like lost in the dark
like a moonless sky
like deaf in a symphony
like lost at sea
like trapped inside a remote submarine
like a broken swing
like a polluted beach
like alone in a crowd
like lost in the forest
like suffocating
like the only one who doesnt speak Spanish
like barricade before safety
like trapped above ground in a building on fire
like great grand mothers
like unfound nothings
like a star among billions
like at the bottom of a glacial hole
like my chance
like infinite forever
like gender female

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

empty words for a full page

im back bitches. to hawaii. feels great. even though the monotony has already started to settle, i am 100 percent happier here simply because i am away from bullshit. its like a blinder has lifted from my eyes to show me that everything is the same.

except one thing is different. there is this girl. and then there is me. and then there is this other guy. but that guy is thousands of miles away. but so is she. even though physically she is here. but i like her and she likes me. the other guy has her though because she is in love.

i think life would be so much more simple if people just understood, that in reality, love doesnt exist. it isnt an emotion like some people seem to think. you cant say im so love right now like you can with mad happy or sad. and there really is nothing about love that constitutes that it is real. other than people saying i love you.

there are relationships. and i think people just dub relationships that become intimate as love. but in reality the strongest relationships have no dub. there is just you and another person and you cohere like a 50 page symphony about love. ha

but love.
is unproven.
and labeling a relationship "love" builds a wall to where that relationship will go. it names, it packages it and sends it on its way towards a happily ever after. when a relationship should not only progress your life because the other person adds something to your life, but it shouldnt be packaged in a tight ball of expectations. and relationships definitely should not be labeled.

"this is my number one parent and this is my number two parent. i fight with number two. thats why they are number two. "

i labeled parenthood relationships and ruined any real impact parent number two will have on that child.

i dont know. maybe its the fact that i havent been in an intimate relationship for the past almost 4 years. and the only people i say i love you too and mean it are people that i dont have an intimate relationship with.

but to me love if fake.

the only person who probably actually feels love is God.

another change tonight. i held a girl in my arms for no other reason than she was cold beautiful and definitely giving me the eye. this is a change because the last time i did that i hadnt even graduated from highschool. i think its fair to say it was 3 and a half years ago.

and man do i miss it. being able just to hold a girl. feel their heart beat. know that they are in your arms. i was actually happy. to bad its the same girl from the above explanation of my belief in love.

but do i miss it.

to bad it probably wont happen for another three and a half years. ha

im to awkward when it comes to talking to the opposite sex. its like when you were in grade school and the teacher wrote the letters on the board and you were suppose to write them down. for me, in the instance of girls, when i write it down it comes out in a big tangled ball of scribble.

oh well. im a lone bear anyways. i completely content with eating my hairy ass fat with berries and trout and then sleeping for 3-6 months.

completely content.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

blank sheet of black paper with a black ink pen

just a couple more days and back in hawaii.

cant wait. i can not wait. even though i know when i get back, there will be the same monotony that i left there six months ago. but still. im somewhat comfortable there.

there is so much that i am going to force myself to experience. because doing nothing all the time really gets old. like surfing for instance. you would think i would have already done that. nope. havent.

life while waiting sucks a mean one though. its like time slows when you are waiting for something. and while time is slowing down your schedule seems to free up miraculously. so you have nothing to do except sit and wait for time.

its frustrating.

like when you want to watch TV and dont know where the remote it so you have to walk back and forth from the TV to change channels. not that i personally have put the effort to walk back and forth from the TV just to change channels. but that would be frustrating.

but, i dont really know what do to with myself. i have no ambition to do anything right now. and am struggling to word together sentences.

maybe i just need to get in trouble.
thats always a good thing. i mean, yeah, maybe the consequences that come from getting in trouble are negative. like degradation of reputation, loss of pay or wage or maybe just general disappointing your peers. that one can definitely be a killer. but when you get in trouble there is definitely no waiting going on. probably the best part is right before you get in trouble when you know your getting in trouble but no one else knows and your all anxious and stuff.

that feeling is the EXACT opposite of what i am feeling right now.

i feel like a slug.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A bus ride

recently, within the hour recently, i was inside of a bus.

riding in this enlongated automobile for more than an hour. to a destination not much different from where i was picked up.

it made me think why men/human beings in general strive. not only for material things but for acceptance. for an appreciation of ones own existince, that is, extra cirricular to ones own thought. and in striving to be remembered or to be noted as "one of the best" of something or simply to accomplish the goals a person may have, we get caught up riding in an automobile. to somehwere. where something has to be done. and then we leave and go back to where we came.

all the while, while this thought is running through my head, i am watching two fat-ass disgusting bitches flirt with this fat-ass guy. it annoyed me. one, because they were fat, two, because they were ugly and three, because they were enjoying themselves.

but for some reason i wished that i could, at least, have the intestinal fortitude to enter in to a conversation with more than one person. i was envying these people. these annoyances to my deep thoughts of life i was having while on the intra-camp shuttle in okinawa. ... haha

and it just pissed me off even more and made me more confused about why people do what they do. i mean why were these three people, who are never going to run for president or for neighborhood watch president in that matter, so intwined with eachother. what possesses an individual to care so much for something that will more than likely fail.

which brings me back to my starting question. why do we strive. for right now, my answer is because we have nothing better to do.

hopefully my answer will change.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

monday morning on a friday night

interpretation and perception are the building blocks of wisdom, intelligence and truth.

it just so happens that the way i interpret and perceive things makes me look like a dumbass.

i want to be that guy in history that does something so profoundly stupid and time stopping that i change the human culture in one fell swoop.


imagine for a minute, or how ever long it takes you to read this blog.

imagine you are a 8 year old boy growing up in a trailer park full of drunks and failures.
and drunks aren't failures, at least they can say they are doing something with their life – drinking it away.

imagine one day you walk home from school and find your mother being rapped by her boyfriend.

Imagine he stops mid-hump and walks your direction.

imagine he hits you pulls your pants down and begins in on you.

then you grow up after that. remising the fact you were rapped and have trouble in society. being a social recluse and awkward in every conversation you ever have.

imagine not being able to deal with the fact that your past has made you into a turmoil of emotion. mostly anger.

imagine in high school you get beat up everyday for not fitting in with the "cool" kids.
you are an outcast. you know exactly why. but you cant admit it because when you admit it, you would make it okay that your mom's boyfriend rapped you.

finally you literally cant deal any longer and you take a gun to school fire off all your bullets killing those who deserved it and injuring random people you didnt know.

then you pull out your last bullet from your front jacket pocket.

you load the gun, wrap your lips around the barrel and pull the trigger.

weeks later a mug shot of you can be seen on CNN. you are made into the monster you knew you always were. people hate you. thousands who dont even know you wish you to have a wonderful life in hell.

but no one knows your story. no one knows that what you went through makes what you did look like a happy sunday afternoon at a candy store.

instead you are the blame of everything wrong in the world. an excuse for everyone to curse your name. the personification of a scapegoat.

and not a single person, not even you mother who knows what happens, tries to defend you.
even at the funeral where hundreds protest.

imagine for a second that this story wasnt an exaggerated truth of american culture.

welcome to america.
oh, and if you didnt know you will never be truly excepted for who you are. if you dont make a poster-board character that you can act out when talking with your boss, your peers or any stranger that you happen to strike up a conversation with, then fuck off you freak.
america is the only nation with a different personality-outfit for everyday of the year.

happy gluttony and greed day, its august 7th.

welcome to generation i-dont-give-a-fuck.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cosmetic surgery

so i am back from the depths of the sea. went to korea and did what ever it is that we did there. and now i am back in Schwab. running a metal grinder on my forhead out of boredom.

but just for your FYI i didn't ignore my duites as a blog owner and dismiss my responsibility to write. i was just locked out of my gmail account for "mis-use." but now i reset it and everything is back in order.

i had a recent epiphany that no matter what happens with in the next ten years i am going to become a rock star. allbeit i may be playing on a street corner for nickels and dimes. but i will be doing it.

you know how sometimes when you working through out the day or walking somewhere you start talking to your self about all th things that get pushed to the back of your brain. like how you accidently cut yourself shaving that morning or over cooked the eggs or some bullshit like that. well when i have those thoughts it isnt a coherent sentence i here my self speaking to my brain. what i hear is guitar riffs that i could possibly be playing. i here lyrics that would make a mother punch a baby in the face. i hear the future of who i am playing its chorus in my head.

maybe its just been to long since i picked up my guitar. but i definitely have decided a goal for myself.

so get your autographs now ladies.

cause i wont give them out for free later.

its that or become a garbage man.
no one fucks with the garbage man.

but i am really excited to be away from this unit and these people.

its like i got an apartment and got this really sweet roomate. but a month down the road i realized he wasnt that awesome. and three more months down the road you realize you have to stop your self from killing him for not paying his half of the rent, leaving the milk out, eating your frozen dinners, missing the toliet when he pees and doesnt clean up, has obscenely fat people over to eat fast food and pizza and not pick up and then acts like everything that goes wrong that went wrong is your fault.

thats what it has been like to be wit these people.

they are fakes.

like bisquick pancakes.

those things taste like cardboard.

but 9 days.
9 days to a new guitar, being in hawaii and a realization that asking girls out isnt as scary as i think and needs to be done cause this guy can handle the whole no girl thing.

if you know what i mean.

but i miss everyone.

especially you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

secrets, secrets, secrets

so ... its been more than the regular time since i have posted a regular blog. i think it is due. maybe past due.

to start off i have a secret to share with the world. a secret that will probably make you rethink the  way you think of me. a secret i couldnt tell you in person.

but online communication is so much easier to release.

so. the secret. the pending doom of my reputation. the thing that will change how people view me.

here it is:

recently, i have been doing something before i fall asleep. not masturbation. because that is too relative.

i have been watching twilight: the new moon. everynight. in fact i just finished watching it for the  umpteenth time.  i feel gay. i feel like a homosexual. i feel like a prepubescent girl screaming at the top of her lungs for edward. i feel like less than a man

but i cant help myself.

it is infecting. i just zone out. nothing else matters besides this love triangle that the film so terribly endorses me. 

i feel like i need an intervention. but then again i enjoy watching it. 

before you judge me. before you call me GAY.  just realize i know how ridiculous it is. ha. and i know how faggoty it is.  

but anyhow. my life is bland. working with reservist it the equivalent to going back to MCT. they dont know what it really means to be a garrison Marine. ... they may know what it is to deploy. but nothing what so ever about being a P O G. fuuuck

i wish i would have never said i wanted to go on this. this fucking shit storm. thats all it is. it isnt a float. it isnt MEU. it is a shit STORM. no one knows what to do and the people who do just pretend to not know. 

i love it. and i hate it.

chaos means your living. but extended chaos means you dont know how to stop.
thats this fucking exercise. 

im done with this shit. 
i just going to write stories about what i want. ... like what its like to be a reservist. to know that in august they get to go back home to the civilian world and not give a damn. fuck them. 

fuck this.

i recommend no active duty marine to work with reserve marines. haha i purposely miss grammared (AP STYLE MUTHA FUCKA) reservist. LOOK IT UP  BITCH.

but anyways. i am about 7 days from actually getting on ship. 
Cant wait. ... NOT

im not even in a unit. it is just a bunch of marines who came together to play marine on the weekend and found out that libo wasnt guaranteed. haha. i made myself laugh.

but i miss home. home being KBAY. ... sadly.  but i miss it. most of all the people. the friends. the relationships. i dont even want to try to build relationships here. fuck everybody. im better of being alone anyways. plus i am the only public affairs marine here so no one knows what i am actually supposed to be doing. ... its funny but i end up doing it anyways. and you know what i am talking about. the whole extracurricular fucking thinking.

but, but, but, ... i wish i had a time machine. relive the recent past. not go one with the future. no matter how you look at it the future sucks compared to the past. 

haha back to the future. Love that movie.

but anyways. the cat it out of the bag. every knows i am a twilight fan now. and quit frankly i dont give a damn.  because i have a humungious crush on kristen stewart. its epic. ive never wanted a girl so badly. DAMN. maybe i just need to realize that i am on camp schwab. in okinawa. in japan. and i hate asians. maybe that has something to do with. 

but comment bitches. i need you feedback more than air. you are my only resource of actual human interaction. 

just do it.

like nike.

that is all.
platoon sgt.s carry out the plan of the day. 


Friday, April 9, 2010

the reality of life

break apart

like a finished puzzle

fall apart

like a cheap table

i miss the feeling

a feeling i have never felt

of wholeness

of completeness

of being wanted

drag the ball and chain

that impersonates your life

the relationships

the needs 

the wants

drag it to the end of the road 

and drag it some more

drag it  till it makes your ankle bleed 

and drag even more

thats what life is 

just one small drag

from one step to the next

just a dead weight of life 

just a lie that you think is true

history repeats itself 

no matter what it is 

it could be the fall of rome

or dropping a glass vass

it will happen again sometime

i hate everything

including myself

i look in the mirror and puke out of revulsion 

its the same every day

the round nose

the green senseless eyes

the full lips

the uneven eyebrows

the broken nose

and then i wonder what it would be like 

what it would be like to die

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short Story


"Hi. How are you?" said steve, member of the Bank of America planning and commissioning board.

Steve reached into the front pocket of his 3-piece-suit jacket, pulled out a crack pipe and lit it. he sucked on one end the other lit up, fire burning the small rock he bummed from the prostitute he visited an hour ago. The smoke filled his lungs, choking out the oxygen. he exhaled.

"im good, im good. where it is?" said pablo. a run down landscaper, with sun worn skin taunt on his face like a deer skin drying on a skin board. 

Steve pulled out the stash. 40 dimes worth of dope and threw it on the table. in his other hand the weight of his .44 made the handle of his pistol hit the wooden table top with a thud.

"Money?" steve asked. 

Pablo looked behind his back. reached into the front pocket of his worn levis and pulled out 10k. 

"Look man its all i got. my family needs food, my car needs--"

the hammer fell on steve pistols, triggering a concluded blast that rang out only in steves small apartment. Pablo looked down to see a hole in his abdomen. he looked up and fell over.

steve stood up from the office chair he was seated in. walked around the four legged card table and stepped over pablo. 

"Thats why you take care of the needs first my little mexican" steve said.

Steve took a step to the door. turned his torso around and finished pablo off with a bullet in the head. 


Steve woke up drenched in a sticky red mess. he looked around and saw 5 or 6 men grouped around him like a huddle. body parts strewn across his bed like puzzle pieces. on the pillow next to him was pablo's head.

"the man you killed last night owed us 100 dimes my friend." said the stockiest of the group. he had  pair of elton john sunglasses on and bowlers hat. there was a thin mustache that crawled on his top lip and a goatee that rode all the way down to his adams apple. his nose was big. his ears were big. and his hands were left in the pockets of his jeans.

"i think you need to rethink who kill,.... business man." said the stocky one.

the group of men left in a shuffle out steves front door. 

later that day steve took out a loan for 100,000 thousand dollars at the same bank he worked at.

"THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS MONTH STEVE, HOW DO YOU SPEND ALL THIS MONEY?" yelled the loan clerk with round rimless glasses. 

"... its simple" steve said. "i didnt take of my needs."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

collaborative clouds

it starts in the back and works its way to front
like a home run hitter lining up for a bunt
a starling in a midnight sky
you wouldnt know it if the wind passed you by
it builds upon itself like a pile of sand
always falling through the crevices of the builders hand
its hides in the dark 
it smiles while in a lark
it draws you in like the ark
and shows you the end is stark
continue, proceed, persist, persevere
its nearly unclear which way to steer
its the broken pick-up in an old mans garage
its the realization that water in the desert is only a mirage
its a barrage of an unending collage about the wrong cause
its every wrong thing youll ever need
it spikes your drink stronger than speed
just out of reach
atop the highest peak
a water balloon with a leak
no words could ever speak
the lie of a century
is the whisper of sanity   

Saturday, April 3, 2010

suicidal tendencies ruin the structure of the human brain

im lost.

not because i am "deployed." not because i am in a foreign country where i know no one. not because i am depressed. i am just lost.

i was walking to the px and i looked up, away from the ground, and saw the beach and the endless ocean with its impossible amount of water, fish and life. i wished i was out there by myself, with no one except myself a boat and a fishing lure. i feel that way alot. wanting to be secluded. separated from humanity. a slave to nothing. and a servant to my needs. 

when i was out in the field i thought about how easy it would have been just to take off running perpendicular to the direction my platoon was hiking and forever become an MIA lost in the okinawan japanese jungle. i could have survived. embraced my primal side and became a feral human living off the land. ... but i didnt. and that is why i am lost.

i hate this life. this monotony of things that dont matter. this ritual of pleasing yourself and then trying to please everyone. this fucking game where NO ONE wins. every one is a loser. no matter how much success a person can have they will still die alone and live alone in death. 

fuck it though. 

while i am here might as well make a use of myself. it is just hard to play a game you dont know the rules to and dont know how to cheat at.  i have so much hate for everything.

what if society were backwards and hate was the equivalent to happiness. i would be the most successful person in the world. FUCK.

oh well what matters, matters and what doesnt, doesnt. no one can change that.

i have decided that while in the Marine Corps i will become a blob. a conforming idiot who will yell YES CORPORAL to any command and try to achieve my mission the best i can. i mean thats what i am supposed to do as and Lance Cooly isnt it?

maybe i just havent lived enough to realize the beauty of everything but for the fifth of a century that i have been on this planet, everything seems futile.

i feel like a borg from star trek.

resistance is futile.

oh well. oh well. oh well.

i cant wait to get on ship. i am never going to sleep. i am going to become a ship rat and follow other other rats on boat while they go exploring the lower decks. 

i am claustrophobic. and i cant stop thinking that a chinese sub is going to sink the boat i am on and i will be stuck in the lower decks searching for pockets of air before i drown.

this is a really dark blog.

i miss the simplicity of shooting a pellet gun at a can for 12 hours and then falling alseep. 


Saturday, March 27, 2010

continued impartial reality

ive done it yet again. conquered a waging war no one knows about except for myself. gone to and fro from dark to light and realized how frivolous it is to concern oneself with the torment inside ones brain. let your subconscious handle it. thats what it is there for. ego, super ego and id. dont try to combine them, live in the super ego. the now.
but as far as my life, i finally have an outlet. a place to reboot and dump memory. something i can connect with and chat for a while. all be it, it is a strange relationship given certain circumstances. but i try not to concern myself with things if the consequence of tampering with them would be negative.
also i realized the immortality of the Marine Corps and how that has to do with me. The Marine Corps is the "warrior class" of american society. it contains leaders, fighters, cannon fodder and anything else that has to with modern martial combat. the reason why i hate it is, i am not one of the warrior kindred. i would rather coop myself up for days working on an art piece than study infantry tactics and conducting weapons maintenance. i am in the wrong class. i should be enrolled in Berkley, or some arts school back east wearing worn out clothing, having a permanent stain from paint on my fingers, lead smudges on my face from sketching and clay on my shoes from throwing pottery all day. throwing pottery is what they call making it, because you actually throw slabs of clay down on the work table to flatten them out. i dont belong in the Marine Corps. my recruiter failed. fuck him. oh well, he made quota for that month. 
i am so obsessed and nostalgic of the times when i would spend hours upon hours on a painting.  it engulfs me. it is all i want to do. i miss that more than anything. 
one day.
but this coming week should be good. going out into the field once again to the jungle. this time i will actually be doing my job. the whole taking pics and writing stories. awesome. maybe i will get some sweet shots. i hope so. 
I am excited to go do something though. finally. time here ticks by as if each individual second is a whole month. and i still have yet to go out into the japanese culture. i say fuck it. i dont even like asians anyways.  call it racist or call it what you may, i just dont appreciate they way they look and they way they interact with a white man such as myself. selfish, i know. white supremacist, a little. chauvinistic, yes. but it is how i feel. so fuck them.
but anyways i shall go and create. art. if resources are willing, a painting. 
here's to you. my audience of one and the infinite portal known as cyberspace. may a random search engine find my blog for and avid reader who could spread the word.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

into the JUNGLE

so it never fails that i find myself getting to do things everyone around me wants to do but i have no desire of partaking in.
This week i will go to the Jungle Warfare Training Center and play in the jungle with the banana spiders and the snakes for about a week. Sounds exciting and all but i just dont want to. Its like when your buddy tries to get you to go climb on top of the highschool and you dont want but do it anyways. hopefully it is good.
This week was crazy, and i realized that human beings are strange creatures. We can adapt to everything that nature can throw at us physically but our one weakness is when we cant handle something that is mentally challenging. i probably think to much.
Also i hate he military and this time it isnt cause of all the other things i have been bitchin about. this time it is serious. yesterday there was a mass handout of experimental Malaria pills that are supposed to prevent someone from getting the disease in country. Funny thing is i woke up like five times last night from crazy fucking dreams. funny story to go along with that. i woke up this morning to nothing. my alarm didnt go off so i slept in a little. the problem was that sunrises in japan look exactly like sunsets. so i get out of bed and check my wristwatch and it says 7:45. since it was an analog and not digital i didnt know if it was am or pm. so in my mind i am thinking i seriously just slept for 24 hours or more. i put my clothes on as fast as i could and pratically ran to the office i am working in cause i am in the process of building a unit website and i had work to do. i run by someone and they stare at me like i am fucking crazy. i stop and say whats up. His reply "what the fuck are you doing up so early, everyone else is either hungover or sleeping cause of libo last night."
i stare at him with deer in the headlight eyes and my mind races. i look to the horizon and see the sun rising on the wrong side of the sky and the only response i can com up with is "what day is it"
The rest of the day i have been in a shade of what the fuck, i dont even know whats going on.
But back to my original point, fuck the military and their experimental drugs, that shit sent me tripping.
This week should be good though, just as long as i dont get bit by a snake or attacked by a banana spider. have you seen those things, FUUCK! they are mean.
Also a sense of dread has come over me. i dont want to deploy, i dont want to be in the military, i dont want the chance to go to oriental countries, i dont want to go on a ship for four months and i dont want to be here.
What i want is to be enrolled in an art college, taking 36 credits worth of painting a semester, savoring every waking moment, making pottery and selling it at local farmers markets, riding a bike because i am a hippie, having conversations about how everything from politics to gov't is corrupt and enjoying my life.
guess somethings you gotta live through.
i get to distracted by the small things to be in the military.
.....Fuck MRE's. dammit, i just realized i am not going to eat next week cause of those fucking things.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's pretty cool to go somewhere where no one knows you and you can make a completely new you. It's cool to drop eveything off at the air terminal and pick out new things in a different country. It is also cool to save what you had and build upon it. I just haven't made the decision yet as to which choice i will choose.
Japan is calming, yeah, sure, there are still sirens and crime and chaotic experiences you can control. But it is definitely different than any street i have walked down in the US. The air is different. you breathe it different. you see the sunset different. you here birds differently. you notice things you wouldnt have back home that make you miss home and you dont know why. One thing that is a tower on the horizon is that it is calm. even the ocean seems calmer. i dont know why. I wouldn't want to live here, im not a theologist or anything of the sort. i would get to bored.
Its amazing that when you are in the military, when you travel nothing really matters other than getting there. I noticed myself barely making time to use the bathroom going from airliner to airliner. Japanese bathrooms are nice. Thats another thing about japan. everything is nice, neat and clean. But i hate not noticing things. I am an observer, if you would, so watching and enjoying the small things like the difference between the people who say thankyou at a airport mart and the people who dont is important to me. Its not really passing judgement as much as it is rationalizing the need to have people who say thank you and the people who dont.
The japanese culture is something America should let culture. I hate it when i see a mcdonalds, or a costco or a home depot in the same place i watch a complete stranger bow inrespect of another stranger just because it is a common courtesy. Americas great and so is mcdonalds but it disgusts me how infecting and virus like the American culture can be.
But anyways, a couple weeks and i will be on my voyage, my journey to the third world. i always thought that phrase was ridiculous, i mean earth is the third planet so third world countires are in the right place and 'first world' countries are on mercury buring alive. A very artistic metphor or supposition but if you think about it, it is completely true. My journey will consist of alot of free time, and alot of hurry ups, and alot of motion. hopefully i dont get seasick.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Secluded Recluse

One week before my first 'deployment' as a Marine. Really it is an exercise where I go from port to port documenting a foreign relation joint operation and get drunk. hopefully i don't touch the booze. booze makes me to honest and really, if i am being honest, i have never been honest in my life, other than when i am drunk. But anywho, one week, not only to prepare for a deployment but to say goodbye to people who i will never see again. Currently at the office i work at there are three people who i consider to be three of four of the only friends i have that live on the same island as me. whats worse is the whole mixed emotion scenario when a life changing situation arises and you know it is coming. mixed emotions like love, hate, grudges and doubt. but hopefully nothing seriously damaging happens to ruin those relationships.  
to my earlier post, i still fucking hate the military but i am over whining about it. i could be way worse off and as i have it now, it being life, it is pretty good. although i am unbelievable lonely. to the point where i day dream about meeting someone who would go out of there way for me. someone other than my immediate family and someone who isnt already married. i have a bad habit of becoming great friends with women i could never be with, but oh well.
i also realized that my efforts in any form or fashion to remedy the problems with my family are for not. they are more fake and crazy than i am. they are impossible. 
I think as i live and become older i have more realizations that putting an effort to change something is useless because you cant change everything and you cant change time. Explaining the part about you cant change everything, people are stubborn but something that is rock solid are ideals and to change an ideal would be the equivalent of what hitler tried to do to the jewish culture. Explaining the part about you cant change time, time changes everything on its own and to its own accord. to change time would be to change the fabric of the universe. and why you would want to change time would be to alter the affects someone's efforts to change something would be. in short the time machine hasnt been invented yet so there for you cant change time. All this makes me unmotivated to do anything and makes me nostalgic for the days when i have five and didnt have to worry about change. not that i remember my childhood o just doubt i was worried about change.
but anyways, i need a girl. somebody i can be vulnerable in front of and not feel embarrassed and not feel judged. basically someone who could love me. that is unlikely though. especially considering i have a tendency to fuck everything up that has the potential to be important to me. thats why i dont care about anything. 
But that is it for this day in Colby's life. heres to you, my none existent audience, whom i love dearly.