i don't like twitter
i don't like all the other gay websites
i don't like talking on the phone
i like texting, but usually only when its a joke
i don't like tv, but i do like tv shows
i like the internet, but i don't like all the people that use it, which amounts to 7 percent of the world populace (daily basis)
i like writing letters
i like to talk to people in person
i like taking my time to get somewhere
i like taking my time, period (main reason why i am getting out of the military)
i don't like smart phones
i don't like tablets
but i like computers
i don't like celebrities
but i like sports stars
i don't like the fact that you can steal music off the internet, but i do it.
i like concerts
i like the feeling you get when you notice something took time to create
with technology advancing at the projected exponential rate it is going, time is beginning to become irrelevant.
there is no delay, no wait, no patience, everything is now. when everything is now, you loose a sense of reality. there is no time to process what just happened because there is and always will be more now. I'm not saying technology is a bad thing but american society is addicted. we want more technology, now.
which makes me really tired. why can't people just take a breath and maybe just for a second appreciate the fact of the matter that is time is not forever. maybe for an individual atom, but not for any single person, not even a diamond. Everything has an expiration. so why want everything now and pass up the opportunity to genuinely appreciate it.
maybe i'm making a mountain out of mole hill, but everything around me seems insincere. like its just done to get on to the next. like reality has become measurable only by the amount of now known. when really reality is everything that happened 15 minutes ago.
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