It's pretty cool to go somewhere where no one knows you and you can make a completely new you. It's cool to drop eveything off at the air terminal and pick out new things in a different country. It is also cool to save what you had and build upon it. I just haven't made the decision yet as to which choice i will choose.
Japan is calming, yeah, sure, there are still sirens and crime and chaotic experiences you can control. But it is definitely different than any street i have walked down in the US. The air is different. you breathe it different. you see the sunset different. you here birds differently. you notice things you wouldnt have back home that make you miss home and you dont know why. One thing that is a tower on the horizon is that it is calm. even the ocean seems calmer. i dont know why. I wouldn't want to live here, im not a theologist or anything of the sort. i would get to bored.
Its amazing that when you are in the military, when you travel nothing really matters other than getting there. I noticed myself barely making time to use the bathroom going from airliner to airliner. Japanese bathrooms are nice. Thats another thing about japan. everything is nice, neat and clean. But i hate not noticing things. I am an observer, if you would, so watching and enjoying the small things like the difference between the people who say thankyou at a airport mart and the people who dont is important to me. Its not really passing judgement as much as it is rationalizing the need to have people who say thank you and the people who dont.
The japanese culture is something America should let culture. I hate it when i see a mcdonalds, or a costco or a home depot in the same place i watch a complete stranger bow inrespect of another stranger just because it is a common courtesy. Americas great and so is mcdonalds but it disgusts me how infecting and virus like the American culture can be.
But anyways, a couple weeks and i will be on my voyage, my journey to the third world. i always thought that phrase was ridiculous, i mean earth is the third planet so third world countires are in the right place and 'first world' countries are on mercury buring alive. A very artistic metphor or supposition but if you think about it, it is completely true. My journey will consist of alot of free time, and alot of hurry ups, and alot of motion. hopefully i dont get seasick.